Regret Proofing the Sale of Your Business
Over 75% of business owners regret selling their businesses.
Then there are the owners who have intentions to sell but never make it to the finish line.
So much is required to complete a successful sales transition. What's most critical is having the right expertise on your team and a focused, clear, and grounded mind as you lead your exit team through the process.
Why? There are many challenges for you to navigate — and your mind has to be the most focused and grounded it's ever been.
Exiting a business brings up unique challenges for founders.
Fears about making the wrong moves
Concerns around performance while navigating unfamiliar territory
Worries about making exit decisions that negatively impact their team and even their families
Managing overwhelm from doing something they've never done before
Handling their fight-or-flight response when decisions get tough
What if you could regret-proof your exit?
Regret proofing is the ability to go through a significant transition with your eyes wide open.
What a regret-proof business sale looks like:
Calm, clear, decisive, and creative thinking during every stage of the process
Making decisions confidently because you've thoroughly vetted all of your options
Giving yourself space to discover what you truly want
Discerning the right moves that will honor your values
Dialing down the stress so you navigate your business and the sale from a confident and grounded space
Creating an ideal post-exit life that aligns with your goals while balancing all stakeholders' needs
I've been an executive coach for leaders and owners for the past ten years.
As I met more colleagues in the exit planning space, I saw a strong need for an efficient coaching program to support the owner during the sales process.
When you sell your company, these are the three most important advisors on your team:
Your mind & heart
Your values
A successful exit requires you to remember your genius and leadership abilities and hire the right experts to support the transaction.
This can be a lonely time for you as an owner, as your family might be eager for you to retire, making it important to have a safe space to voice your concerns.
How Regret-Proofing The Sale Coaching Works:
Step 1: We start with a free introductory call. You share what’s up for you in your business and the dynamics you're experiencing around the sale. You'll receive all the information you need from me to decide if you’d like to move forward. This call helps me clarify your needs and design your coaching series.
Step 2: We work together for up to three months (six sessions), meeting in a rhythm that serves your schedule. You'll also be able to ask me questions and get coached in between your sessions.
As your coach and neutral observer, my only role is to support you, the owner.
What we’ll do:
Dial down the inevitable stress. You’ll get tools that you can implement immediately.
We’ll examine your values and desired outcomes for the sale, creating a framework for your decision-making process as you navigate it.
We’ll talk about your vision and what you want, allowing you to discuss your concerns and make decisions that honor your goals and vision.
Throughout these sessions, I will help you fully step into your leadership role and stay grounded during the twists and turns and pressures of a sale.
We'll clarify your vision and values, identify and overcome obstacles, manage stress and overwhelm, establish a decision-making process, handle the unknown, and continuously set intentions aligned with your values.
And most importantly, by having a partner while you plan and execute your exit, you'll prevent regretful outcomes by maintaining your focus on long-term goals.
Get support through the exit process.
Get Started with Regret-Proofing Your Sale
Regret Proof the Sale Coaching Series Includes:
Complimentary Consult Call
90 minute Vision & Planning Session
5 additional 1:1 coaching sessions
Access to me in between our calls for questions
Investment: $3000
To start the process, click here and get an appointment on my calendar.
If you’re ready to get started, click here to pay your invoice and set up our first call. My assistant and I are available by email or phone if you need anything at all - diana (@)