66. Tapping Into Your Values To Drive Personal and Business Growth With Jacqui Schinnerer

I contacted Jacqueline for an interview after she shared a great post on LinkedIn that really got my attention.  Listen to another smart, brave, high-integrity, trusted advisor who brings commercial banking to the small business owner.  I loved our interview, and you will too.

Jacqueline spent over twenty years in business banking before starting Commercial Capital Solutions. She identified the need for small business owners to have unbiased options and expert guidance to help them secure the best financing. Solutions tailored to their unique needs. "Our mission is to provide a concierge experience where clients can trust that their best interests are being looked after."

So many nuggets here: 

  • Understanding the 'solo' experience that ownership entails & how to manage that

  • Learning to ask for help and support

  • Being an owner requires you to level up and grow as a leader

  • How to manage the identity shift from employee to owner

  • How to handle the overwhelm of new business

  • Knowing which clients to say no to

  • How to stop taking business twists and turns personally

  • The art of self-forgiveness that you don't know everything

I loved her system of growth when issues arrived:

  1. Re-Evaluate

  2. Learn

  3. Set Reasonable Expectations

I loved this interview because it powerfully demonstrated how our values are a key driver of our growth. When Jacqui focused on her integrity and being vulnerable and authentic, this informed her decision-making and how to build her team.  

Bottom line: nothing is more attractive to our clients than when we stay in touch and serve them with integrity and a personalized approach.  Jacqui lives this value strongly, bringing banking solutions to her small business clients.

You can reach Jacqueline Here.


67. Embracing a Stick to It Mentality for Greater Success with Pouya Kadairi


65. To Scale or Not to Scale with Robert Stephens