65. To Scale or Not to Scale with Robert Stephens

I just loved my conversation with Robert. We’re colleagues in Atlanta, and when I heard his story of scaling and then deciding NOT to scale and why, I knew you had to hear the story. 

To scale or not to scale?  Join us for this vibrant discussion around scaling.  Robert, as a Financial professional, loves helping companies to scale.  But is scaling for you?  Listen into Roberts story of his own business build and his discernment on knowing whether scaling was for him and his practice and lifestyle. 

We are not ALL meant to scale! Listen for your own insights as Robert shares his story AND his expertise in scaling.


  • When life hands you ‘bad news’, make sure you listen to your mentors…..they will see the opportunity before you do.

  • Slow growth in early business building can take longer than you think, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t working.

  • Robert is a translator of numbers for his clients, what is YOUR unique edge?

  • Our Culture says growth and scaling are the only way to be successful as a business owner……not always the case.

  • Scaling can take you as the owner OUT of your genius & expertise.

  • Our businesses are meant to serve us, NOT the other way around.  We need to buck our corporate culture mentality.

  • Saying no to some clients helps you serve your clients better.  

This IS a Lifestyle business in the best way ever:  With Zoom capability and acceptance, Robert has worked remotely from the Grand Canyon, the beach, and Colorado.  Full work days waking up to amazing locations. Robert’s ‘not scale’ mindset for his own business changed his lifestyle, and his profitability and gave him more of a chance to do what he loves.  Robert follows the 3 R’s as he builds and makes decisions in his business.  Respect, Responsibility, and Relationships.  

What could he have left out of his business build? Everyone else’s expectations and business plan!

Robert Stephens is the managing partner of CFO Navigator.  As a fractional Chief Financial Officer, Robert fills a critical gap for growing privately held businesses and non-profit organizations that do not have the budget or need for a full-time CFO.

Having advised over 75+ organizations during his 30+ year career, Robert strives to bring “Wall Street” worthy financial expertise to local “Main Street” companies by turning his financial insight into their business foresight. 

For more information, visit www.cfo-navigator.com

You can also reach him by phone at 404-642-2688.


66. Tapping Into Your Values To Drive Personal and Business Growth With Jacqui Schinnerer


64. Your Unlimited Potential and Giving Back with V Krishna Lakkineni