74. Nurturing Romance IS a Healthy Leadership Strategy— Bonnie Daneker: Stoplights Are for Kissing
Welcome to our first REAL episode of the Leader's Table. Bonnie and I have a lively conversation about the whys and hows of creating great connections with simple loving gestures and why this can be so important for healthy leadership.
Learn how investing in loving gestures and creating small moments of connection with a loved one ARE the key to:
Supporting your well-being as a leader.
Helping with the guilt of those long work days and business trips.
Building a routine that supports you and helps you to process work related stress.
In this interview with Bonnie Daneker, author of the book: Stoplights are for Kissing we discuss how these small gestures between you and your partner can be just the connection you need right now.
The inspiration for Stoplights are for Kissing came from The Book of Awesome (by Neil Pasricha), 1000+ Little Habits of Happy, Successful Relationships (by Marc and Angel Chernoff), and Bonnie's research.
Diana mentions the resource of following Yung Pueblo and his recent book around relationships and healing: The Way Forward.
Whether we’re together as a new couple, in a seasoned partnership, or
looking for that special someone, we want to feel good about our intimate
connections. Too often, work, kids, family, and community obligations
threaten that private, inner space.
In Stoplights Are For Kissing: 52 Small Gestures To Sustain Love In Your Relationship, author Bonnie Daneker addresses intimacy with her collection of simple, shareable ideas to keep romance alive. The gift book, beautifully illustrated by Eevie Lanier, offers easy, repeatable ways to grow closer to your partner. These gestures of affection, some planned and some surprising, pay
back in multiples over time — unlike a single expected gesture per year — to create a fulfilling, sustainable marriage or relationship.
Connect with Bonnie Here:
Bonnie can be reached through email bonnie@theauthorsgreenhouse.com), her Facebook, or on LinkedIn.
You can get her book at Amazon, Wal Mart or on her website: https://www.bonniebdaneker.com/