70. Processing Emotion and Cultivating Awareness in Real-Time
No Regrets-Just Joy Series
I struggle with what I am sharing with you today. I did not have a natural way of processing emotion. I have been great my entire life at stuffing it. In today’s episode, I share the HOW of processing emotion and the WHY it is important. There is joy and insight on the other side, I promise.
Our natural reaction is to avoid emotion, especially the really uncomfortable ones. Listen in on this episode on how powerful and insightful it can be to learn to stay with and process emotion instead.
From compartmentalization to an embodied experience is how I am moving through challenges with more ease. I want this for you too!
This is all about Cultivating Awareness in ALL Circumstances
Processing Emotion in Real-time Talking Points
New Level of Self-Compassion
Process Emotions & Walk Through with More Ease vs Stuffing or Resisting
Behind the Curtain
Trust More Deeply
Honor Your Desires
Recognize Your Red Flags
Honest Conversations
When is this work helpful?
Making Big Moves in Your Life: Identity Shifts
When you shift how you are doing life: from corporate to running your own practice, empty nesting, making more money, doing anything new.
Lean into Radical Honesty with yourself first
Hold space to experience opposing emotions at the same time
Do Not Wait until you Feel Better
When Life Circumstances are TOUGH
Divorce, death, any type of trauma (even the pandemic)
A Guide to navigate big emotions and grief (therapist, coaching)
Honoring these deep emotions can help prevent anxiety
Journal to identify what is going on and allow the emotions to move through you
Rant!!! Watch a sad movie
Slow down and allow the emotions to NOT get stuck in this emotion or story
There is no one right way to process grief or deep emotion
Why process emotion on purpose
Insight & Clarity
Letting go of Ugly Stories
Joy & Delight
A new strength in self
Daily Practice
2 Word Check In
Feelings Wheel
“Learn to drop that shield, protecting you from your own emotions. They are to be experienced and expressed. This is an internal vulnerability. This will serve you in so many ways. I promise."
If this has worked powerfully for me, I know it can work for you as well.
Get in touch and join me for a quick check-in chat: Schedule it here!