61. Pulling Back the Curtain on Co-Founder Challenges with Chris Castillo

Listen in as I interview Chris Castillo, EOS Implementer.  Chris shares his experience of becoming a solo practitioner after being a part of a huge growth as co-founder of The Life Coach School.  We pull back the curtain and Chris shares the challenges we all face when we think we have to run a small business on our own.  

Chris is an EOS Implementer and lives in Dallas.  He works with companies that are ready to grow and get the help that they need so that their businesses thrive by putting the right people in the right spots. 

ABOUT CHRIS: I help Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial Leaders get more of what they want from their businesses. I do that by providing a complete system with simple tools to help you achieve three things we call vision, traction, and health. For more information, email chris.castillo@eosworldwide.com.

You can connect with Chris on LinkedIn.


62. Constraint as a Powerful Innovation Driver with Mark Willis


60. Creating More Self-Trust in Her HR Career with Tiffany Castagno