37. Avoiding Regret — A Decisive Reframe

I want to give you an episode to pull my Regret Proof Series together. I would also like to give you some insight into what is next in this podcast.

Regret is all about disappointment and events not going as we had hoped. This subject got my attention because our brain can land on a story about an event and keep playing it over and over. We can get stuck in regret. We can be confused as to why we are not enjoying our business and personal lives, and it can simply be because our mind is not being managed to look forward and to believe more powerfully in what we want in our future.

Regret feels awful; it keeps us stuck. I believe regret is totally out of alignment with your power as a leader and business owner. But it can be hard to look at, and that’s why I loved pulling it apart in a stepwise series.


38. Take Your Time Back and Take Control of Your Calendar


36. Taking a Step Back and Investing in Vision-Casting for Your Business