26. It’s Time for Recess – Creating a Sustainable Rhythm in Your Business

If you’re a business owner, you learned how to work hard. But have you learned to recess and play? (And I’m not talking about working hard and playing hard)

I’m talking about recessing as a rhythm in your business.

Stop taking yourself so seriously, and give it a rest for a minute. Especially if you tend to worry a bit. Trust all that you have built and put into place, remembering that your business doesn’t need you every single minute. Remember that you didn’t open your own business to resent it or be worn out all of the time.

I’m in the business of helping overworking, stressed-out business owners. If you’d like to learn more, let’s hop on the phone. Email me at diana@dianamurphycoaching


27. The Life-Changing Magic of Taking Time Off


25. Finding Expansiveness When You Feel Like You Have Literally No Time